Sunday, April 12, 2015

"Most students that participate in club sports go on to lead better lives. The clubs impact their future in ways that increase emotional health, as well as leading to a 15% improvement in total income earned on average."(Campbell 7)

The participation of club sports lead to more successful lives, both financially and emotionally.
Club sports can cause up to a 15% increase in wealth.
Club sports lead to happier lives for those people that are in them.

"The dropout rate of students who participate in club sports or academic clubs shows a 7.4% decrease in the dropout rate of students."(McNeal 8)

Clubs in high school reduce the drop out rate of high school students that participate in them.
Members of club sports are less likely to drop out of high school.
Being in a club sport leads to greater achievements in life.

There are many advantages to being in club sports, whether they be an emotional impact, or a physical impact on their lives directly. The participation of club sports lead to more successful lives, both financially and emotionally. So something as simple as attending a club sport whether it be something as small as chess club meeting once a week, or KEY club, which would consume much of your time in it. The fact is that by simply going to these meetings or events, it can lead to greater achievements in life.

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