Sunday, April 12, 2015

Annotated Bibliography

Bingham, Arthur. "Psychological and Social Benefits of Playing True Sport. Psychological               Association of Education Vol. 7, No. 2. 6 March 2012. Jstor. 26 March 2015

This article dives into the psychological impact of playing sports in high school. It not only examines how its affects the student at that exact moment in time, but it sees what the impact of sports can cause for the students futures who participate. It shows how certain aspects of life are improved by playing sports that otherwise would have been ujtapped potential for high schoolers. This article is key to showing the impact of sports in high school not on one level, but on every single level of a student’s life and future, and I believe that this will be one of the key articles that will reinforce my papers power and reliability as a source.


McNeal, Ralph. “Extra Curricular Activities and High School Dropputs.” Sociology and    Education Vol. 2, No. 3. 11 Jan 2010. Jstor. 27 March 2015.

 This article explains how studies done to examine the impact of extra-curricular activities on students effects the dropout rate. While this article may be a little narrow minded in that all it focuses on is the dropout rate, I believe that it will benefit my paper in that it takes into account real evidence of how extra curriculars do impact students and gives actual percentages as to what impact it can have. Along with this evidence I have other articles that focus on more than simply the decreased dropout rate, as well as some that more exemplifies this data and gives it a deeper meaning.


Morris, Robert. "I Have A Plan Iowa ™."National Eduaction Foundation Vol. 3, No. 6. 16 Apr 2007. Jstor. 24 Mar. 2015.

This article primarily focuses on club sports and how they are able to effect people directly through statistics and claims made by college boards who select who gains admission to their respective colleges. While this article may lack the individual impact on each participant on an emotional level, it does go in depth about how club sports create increases in grades, attendance, responsible acions by its participants. The article also delves into how people from all across the United States as well as other countries are examining the schools that offer these club sports and realizing the importance of these programs in their schools future success. While this article is biased in that it is targeting a certain area of the country, I does show evidence that not only do club sports decrease dropout rates, but other aspects of its impact on students.


Wallace D. Campbell “In-School Clubs.” American Secondary Education
Vol. 11, No. 4. 23 Oct. 2007. Jstor. 24 Mar. 2015.

This article examines what exactly an in-school club is, as well as how it differs from other ideas. Basically it speaks of an in-school club being a club that is not mandatory, a club that if the student wants to get better they have to find it within their own power to physically go and get better. It also shows the different perceptions of mandatory sport attendance and club sport attendance, and how it can impact the students involved. This article will be a key point to examine what a club is in terms of all of the other articles, as well as describe how the club works before delving into the other topics of the research paper.


Watsky, Michelle. "The Importance of High School Clubs: How to Approach Your
Involvement." Psychology and Education Vol. 5, No. 8. 1 Oct. 2013. Jstor. 25 Mar. 2015.

This article speaks of the impact on a student’s current life that participating in a club sport can have. These impacts include better time management, perserverance, as well as increased happiness, and a healthier lifestyle. This article goes into not only the physical impact on the students like how their time must now be better managed in order to continue to do what they love, as well as how it can psychologically impact how a student can get happier, which would cause many other aspects of their life to change for the better. This article will benefit my paper in a way that it analyzes the direct impacts of high school clubs on its participants, as well as how it can unknowingly impact other aspects of their lives.

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